The Dewey House

June 2024 Open House and Tour

Check back soon for information about our upcoming Open House

The Dewey House, built around 1735, is located at 87 South Maple Street. The house is maintained and preserved by the Dewey House Board of Trustees as part of the Western Hamden Historical Society, a non-profit 501 (c) organization.

The Board offers several Open Houses during the year when docents, dressed in period attire, lead visitors through the house and explain the numerous historical items , furnishings and construction that reveal what life was like in Colonial Westfield. Tours are available by appointment.

The Dewey House serves as a tangible introduction to colonial history for Westfield’s third grade students. We provide school tours twice a year where students get to participate in a hands-on learning experience.

Below is a link to the new Dewey House virtual tour. If you select the audio button, it takes a few seconds to load. Enjoy. The Tour was created by the work of Cindy Peacock Gaylord of the Westfield Historic Commission and Fred Gore, Adam Wright and Jay Paglucia handling filming, narration and production. Assistance and background information provided by Candy Pennington of the Western Hampden Historical Society.

Click on the blue link to take the tour

Click on the Blue link above

Where Westfield history comes to life.