
The Joseph Dewey House, built circa 1735, is located at 87 South Maple Street. The house is owned by the Western Hampden Historical Society. The house is maintained and preserved by the Dewey House Board of Trustees. 

The Dewey House serves as a hands-on introduction to Westfield’s history for all of our third grade elementary school students. We provide week long Fall and Spring school tours so that each class gets the special attention and time necessary for a memorable experience.

The Board offers several Open Houses during the year when docents lead visitors through the house and explain the numerous collection of antique furnishings and construction that reveal what life was like in Colonial Westfield.

All of our efforts are paid for by the continuing support of our local community and businesses. It truly is a community funded effort that we work hard to promote and sustain.

Mission Statement

The Western Hampden Historical Society was organized in June of 1901 and incorporated in November of 1909 with the following stated articles of purpose:

  • To encourage interest in and to preserve objects of historical value in Westfield and adjacent towns located within the Western portions of Hampden County.
  • To collaborate with other historical societies, cities, towns and organizations having interest in common with the Society.
  • To acquire, own, lease or sell real and personal property necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of the Society and in general to do all things possible to promote and foster an appreciation for the history of our area.

The house is a finely preserved example of a Westfield miller’s home constructed in the early eighteenth century.  The house was meticulously restored to the Colonial Period in the late 1970s.  The Board of Trustees is committed to the following objectives.

  • To collect, preserve, interpret and chronicle genealogical, architectural, cultural and historical items and information pertaining to the Joseph Dewey House.
  • To own, preserve and open the house to groups and individuals through historical awareness programs presented at various times of the year.
  • To maintain, develop and provide a tour of the home by Docents to all fourth grade students attending Westfield Public Schools each and every year.
  • To provide educational opportunities and promote public consciousness of  colonial history as it relates to the Western Hampden County and the Joseph Dewey House in particular.
  • To document, categorize and catalogue furniture and accruements obtained and preserved within the Dewey house and at other locations within the City.